opensourceCM colaboration and compliance

Contract management software (CMS) helps solve two major issues faced by businesses today: collaboration and compliance. Both of these challenges have their own repercussions for businesses that fail to implement a streamlined system. Fortunately, modern CMS provides the tools needed to achieve both, and do them well.


For the data in your contract management software to maintain accuracy, all involved parties must be consistent in their use of the system. In the early years of CMS, this was often difficult as people struggled to make the CMS a part of their everyday tasks, and contracts would get hung up while waiting for parties to update their information. Today, user interfaces have improved drastically, and notification systems have been implemented to remind users when they need to act. The workflow module allows for emails reminders to go out to the right roles, the flexible flow can help users complete their tasks in a short time with maximum efficiency. Typically, these actions have been trimmed down to a few simple steps and everyone has instant access to the updates. Thus, contracts are managed more accurately across the board. More on collaboration and work flow could be seeing on a demo or in training


Businesses face a wide array of regulatory statutes which demand compliance. From the over-arching Sarbanes-Oxley Act, to more industry-specific FDA, EPA and other regulations, your contract management software must be able to track compliance throughout your projects. The modern CMS automatically catalogs this information, organizes it into easily searchable reports, and stores it if necessary. This alleviates the need for constant backups and duplicates of contract information, and provides a library of readily accessible data for proving compliance. In addition, it allows your team to focus on important day-to-day tasks without leaving any one individual or your IT team on the hook for maintaining and organizing manual copies of contracts.

More Effective Time Management

Contract Management software allows businesses of all sizes to spend more time completing projects, and less time gathering data. By seamlessly integrating the collaborative components of the system, all users can quickly and easily keep the team up to date without hassle. By providing a system for tracking compliance, the software ensures accuracy of data, while eliminating wasted time and money tracking contracts over many years. The less time your team should spend worrying about paperwork, the more time they can devote to pushing the project to successful completion.

Click here to request a free demo and talk to us to understand the benefit of CLM for your company .
