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Learning From Past Examples Can Improve Future Contract Management Initiatives
One of the keys to successful contract management is the ability to analyze old documents, discovering key insights and leveraging them...

Managing Contracts In The Cloud Could Become A Necessity
Documents and data have slowly moved from a physical to digital format over the past few years, and while many organizations have...

Achieving Fast CLM Return on Investment (ROI) 1-of-2
What CEOs and CFOs Want. Whenever making a corporate expenditure of any significance, in addition to understanding the problem that will...

Big Data, Discovery, Extraction and Contract Management
A Data-Driven World Never in the history of our world, has the ability to discover, extract, interpret and intelligently act on data been...

CLM Helps Drive Enterprise Savings and Reduce Inefficiencies
No Panacea Saavy CEOs are constantly looking for tools and methodologies than can make their organizations more efficient, that help...

How General Counsels Benefit from Contract Life-Cycle Management
A Corporate Leadership Role The modern role of a General Counsel (GC) is both as a corporate lawyer and a business executive. General...

Avoiding Unnecessary Contract Negotiation Delays with the “Deal Room”
Getting to the metaphorical contract negotiation handshake can be long or short, relatively easy or painfully difficult. Whenever a...

Reduce Healthcare Contract Management Complexity
Physician, heal thyself. How healthy is your contract management process and oversight? Do you understand the long term financial impact...

Working Without a Contract Management Template? Emulating Rube?
Ruben “Rube” Goldberg was an American cartoonist, sculptor, author, engineer and inventor whose cartoons popularized how simple tasks...

Contract Management Issues with Time to Come Clean?
You have standardized on Isn’t it about time you learned about contract management issues? Isn’t it time to come clean,...
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