opensourceCM Automated Approval ProcessApproval process is an important part of opensourceCM application. Approval processes are the foundation of organized workflows and work...
opensourceCM Deep Text Search FeatureGaining quick access to any legal contract or document quickly is key to any type of document management platform, much more so with time...
Finding Risk is No Less Important Than Recognizing It"I want to be able to find a specific clause within all of my customer's contracts without having to invest much time doing so" noted a...
Turning Legacy Applications into HistorySo why are so many organizations still employing legacy applications when it comes to handling their most important inside business...
Considering a Contract Management Platform? opensourceCM account on-boarding processOur clients that are considering contract management software tend to be leery of the implementation and on-boarding process. Time and...
opensourceCM contracts lifecycle management common questions asked by customers (part I)The service provide a Contract Authoring workflow, Multi language OCR and Indexing and a lot more...
openSource Inc. Better World InitiativeContract Management Software with a Virtual Data Room and RFI RFQ RFP bidding system
Understanding opensourceCM and Its BenefitsManaging contracts can be complicated and time-consuming, with the cost of manually tracking them far outweighing the benefits and gained be