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opensourceCM loves to interact with partners or followers about Contract Life-Cycle Management.
Always trying to bring something fresh in an interesting way.

The opensourceCM Marketing Team is Hiring
The opensourceCM marketing team is looking for energetic people with passion and an innate drive to excel. As one of our marketing team,...

Key Factors in a CLM Software
Contract lifecycle management software addresses the needs of today’s organizations to achieve the most value possible from their...

What is a Contract Lifecycle Management system?
The four steps on contract management flow..

Shana Tova - Happy New Jewish Year
The opensourceCM SaaS based solution is a sophisticated customized (or "out of the box") Contract Lifecycle Management aplication. It...

Poor Contract Management Costs Companies 9% — Bottom Line
Research by the independent International Association for Contract & Commercial Management (IACCM) indicates that companies struggling to...

Is There a Real Need For a CLM Solution in Your Organization?
Remember when we used to have to memorize things to have them accessible to us? Or remember when to do things, like plant seeds, to...

ACC Chief Legal Officers 2017 Survey - Key Findings
Forty-six percent of CLOs may terminate a law firm or outsidecounsel relationship next year Thirty-one percent of CLOs reported that they...

opensourceCM - Stepping back to see the bigger picture
Organizations spend so much time on negotiating good contracts to let it just grow mold in a filing cabinet. Even a good contract when...

opensourceCM contracts management solution - 6 Points to Check if you need it?
Contracts reflect a relationship between your company and everyone it works with. Your ability to effectively govern these relationships...

Considering a Contract Management Platform? opensourceCM account on-boarding process
Our clients that are considering contract management software tend to be leery of the implementation and on-boarding process. Time and...
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