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SaaS for Contract Management Platforms, Yes!

No matter where you get your business news from, the jury is clearly in, and the verdict is that the shift to cloud based services is a fact growing so fast, it'll make your head spin. Many recent surveys and reports point to a steep rise in the growth in number, and investments, in cloud based technology. Most of the business world can be carved into two segments: Those that are already in, or raring to go, And Those who are either slow to adopt, or don't accept that it will eventually happen. Either way, everyone has their ears perked.

contract management meeting

opensourceCM is a SaaS contracts lifecycle management platform. The service provide a Contract Authoring workflow, Multi language OCR and Indexing, Inside the document search, Calendar and notifications workflow, support SSO (single sign on) and encrypted secured access. Here are some of the features a SaaS application like opensourceCM can provide.

If you need a Negotiation Deal-Rooms or User's Data-Rooms (internal / External), if you need a Flexible Bidding System with Advance Q&A and API (Application Processes Interface) Library with office 365 or Google DOCS, with sync to BOX.COM, SalesForce, MS-Dynamics, NetSuite, OKTA, QuickBooks, Zoho CRM, Dropbox, DocuSign to mention just a few. opensourceCM has been providing a SaaS platform and a web-based service for over a decade now, and has already leads the ranks of the growing group of IT businesses that offer their product as a service from the cloud. opensourceCM focus, is a shift towards cloud based software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications, such as Microsoft’s Web Based Office apps, or Gmail, Google DOCS and Salesforce, and many others.

Benefit from adopting cloud based SaaS:

Save Money - Sliding scale, pay-as-you-grow business models, Savings on IT personal, Reduced IT infrastructure.

Better Performance - Standardized performance, Reduced operational complexity and related costs, Global access increases productivity, Increased organizational productivity and efficiency.

Moving ahead - Easier sharing and collaboration inside/outside of your organization, Easier integration with other services (ie salesforce, office365...), Bestows a competitive edge that enhances the stature of your firm, It is the Future.

Maintenance - No fuss, no muss. Rather than keep employees busy maintaining servers, upgrading software, backing up archives, and dealing with managing your company’s contract life cycles, they could be busy fine tuning business performance and net income.

opensourceCM is a Contract Management lifecycle as a company wide Core Competency

It is now clearly evident that contract management is a core corporate competency, it is also a strategic asset that provides its management with a competitive advantage that literally draws a clear line between those employing it, and those who don't. The advent of cloud based SaaS has revolutionized this market primarily through its scaling abilities, which in turn tend to translate into substantial cost reductions. In today’s reality, small, medium and large size companies can expect to find enterprise level products, priced to match their volume of work. Enterprises can adopt an SaaS for one department as a test case, and then deploy it swiftly to others once it has been properly integrated, and proven its worth.

So What are the downsides to Cloud Based SaaS?

The concerns raised time and again by executives considering moving critical business components into the cloud fall into three categories.


Fear of having delicate information reside on servers outside of the organization, and fear of data loss, are main concerns. Since these fears top the list of cons for cloud services, they have also become the prime concern of service providers. The standards for data security on cloud based contract management services do not fall below those of client based services. In fact a quick check with your IT department might convince you that your data can be just as vulnerable (if not more) when in house. The same logic applies to data loss. Most cloud services offer advanced backup regimens and policies, which should be studied well before enrollment and regularly tested after integration, just as you should your onsite backup system. How many times have you heard horror stories about backup systems gone wrong? When approaching any new service, whether cloud based or not, you should perform diligently check its security.


Funny enough, the solution that gives you as much power as you need, when you need it, has one built in flaw which believe will soon be a thing of the past, and that is the inherent time lag involved with any data flowing over the net. This issue recedes from prominence as your bandwidth widens, creating a situation where most corporate locations should experience a time lag so minimal that it wouldn’t negatively affect the user experience. With that said it also remains to be seen how quickly the actual service performs, especially if complex processes are involved. Again I urge those of you considering to Try out a service you are considering to get a feel for its competency.


opensourceCM is a cloud based SaaS contract management solution with a long and impressive track record. We have been providing web based services since 1995, and have a perfect record with reference to the security, and availability fears discussed here. We are happy to share our experiences and answer questions relating to our core competency (contract & document management). We offer free trials of our product, and consultations to anyone interested in finding out more about our technology. Feel free to watch our short tour

or contact us at

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