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opensourceCM © - Contract Lifecycle Management Solution

opensourceCM is a secured contract management SaaS (software-as-a-service) solution that allows organizations to tap into the portfolio of their contracts.

The software completely transforms how organizations manage cost, risk, and liabilities, as seen in the illustration below that outlines the base capabilities of this application. These include authoring a contract request, negotiating, and controlling workflow and execution. The opensourceCM API access allows for the import and export of data to various business applications and tools. opensourceCM has the flexibility to adapt to customer business processes while embracing contract management best practices. The solution takes CLM configuration, ease, and speed of implementation to an entirely new level and includes a breath of new functionality. opensourceCM uses the client business process that works and will replicate it. Each customer uses a separate instance of the opensourceCM database so that its data is securely isolated from other customers. opensourceCM is currently available in English, Spanish, and Hebrew; it also utilizes a database that supports 190 international languages. When uploading a text or PDF document in any of the 190 supported languages, opensourceCM indexes it. Then, it can find words, values, phrases, terms of art, or specific legal language within the documents. The searches are hyperlinked to the actual paragraph in each document. This can be accomplished across document data sets comprising tens of thousands of documents.

opensourceCM Main Feature List & Options

  • Secure, centralized repository – Multi-tenant architecture with a customizable front end, unique customer login URL, and individual customer database instances.

  • Access Rights Management – on a folder, term sheet, meta-data view, and all document levels. Highly secure, encrypted sessions, triple-DES 2048-bit passwords.

  • Compliance/Audit Trail - full audit trail (who, when & what) that provides proper oversight of enterprise risk. The audit trail activity at every document and user level is automatically generated to document all user actions by the user, all users, type actions and specific actions, etc.

  • Elastic search engine and reporting tools - search file and folder names, internal document content, and term sheet metadata simultaneously, individually, or in combination.

  • Monitoring Alerts & Calendar - track dates, events, and contract milestones to keep on top of commitments and obligations. You can send notifications by role assignments (owner, collaborator, etc.)

  • Connectivity with other business applications - API connectivity to 3rd party business applications such as DocuSign/EchoSign, OKTA SSO, Box, NetSuite, Dropbox, Google Drive, SharePoint, MS Dynamics, Salesforce

  • Easy uploading of all documents with unlimited storage space - drag and drop files or documents to your predetermined location within minutes.

  • inbound-email - uploading files directly from your registered emails.

  • Upload related documents as a "parent" version or an attachment - Specify document type/relation during upload and file in the relevant folder.

  • Unlimited views of term sheets/meta-data infinite types of relevant fields can be created and entered in each term sheet view based on the parameters needed.

  • Compare tools enabling users to track changes in related documents - overview of changes by section without the need to scroll through a redlined document and view a side-by-side comparison.

  • Versions tools - full contract version control with the latest contract or parent document.

  • Authoring of templates & clauses editor - allows admins to easily create new document templates or existing templates with associated contract terms. Create documents from templates and allow the population of contract fields during document creation.

  • Workflow templates enable an organization to copy existing workflow methodologies to an automated process in the system.

  • Intuitive interface ease of use enables users to navigate through the platform easily and effectively

  • Contract negotiation deal-room - negotiation team to use secured access only for the deal room

  • Customizable Dashboards - customizable repository dashboard on a per-user basis

  • Archive a single centralized repository for all your company's contracts and documents with unlimited storage space

  • Backup - automated various data set backups

  • Performance / Scalability - supports unlimited users/contracts, rapid growth and fast deployment, automated total archive migration in less than 24 hours (including file structure and metadata), fast system response time and 24 hours operation with global web access.

  • Options - customer banner/logo, SSO/Active Directory integration via SAML 2.0, eSignature via DocuSign or Echosign, authoring, sync to BOX, CRM integration, deal room, and more

  • Corporate Personalization/Branding - Personalize the login screen and header with your screen and logo as well as email notification from your company.

  • White Label – Service provider login screen, header, and support contact information as well as notifications.

  • Organizational structure folder library can be designed based on the way a company conducts its business i.e., departments, client types, international divisions, etc



The opensourceCM platform provides CEOs with tactical and strategic insight into all deals and contracts across the organization.

Full visibility of all aspects of contract activity: a realistic picture of the business


The opensourceCM platform provides CFOs with the transparency required for effective financial oversight of company contracts. Automated, comprehensive reports “float up” sensitive or high-impact contracts for CFO attention.


The opensourceCM platform provides General Counsels with the oversight needed to manage risk more efficiently, reduce exposure, and improve compliance.


The opensourceCM platform provides contract managers the efficiency they demand, giving them greater control over contracts and accelerating contract development, negotiation, and execution.


TAKE AWAY: opensourceCM has had the privilege of providing services to a long list of businesses from various markets. Our accumulated experience has endowed us with a deep understanding of the different needs that are unique to a large variety of markets. The following are a few customer case studies that exemplify our ability to serve various businesses from different industries. The case studies can be about Virtual Data Rooms, RFI RFQ RFP bidding systems, Document Management Platforms, Contract Management Software, and Contracts lifecycle.



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